Valor on the Move - Keira Andrews

***DNF page 138 out of 269***

Not bad. Just boring. Just not for me.

I was really looking forward to reading this one. A Keira Andrews book with awesome reviews? I’m in.

I’m the only one among my friends who decided to DNF it. So it’s safe to say mine is quite a dissenting opinion.

I’ve read a few books with bodyguards and I have to say thatClose Protection is the best I’ve read so far. In both the protectee is 10 years younger (or more) than the bodyguard. In both there is this “forbidden” love story.

I was terribly disappointed in Valor on the Move. There is no believable development of feelings. Suddenly, Rafa has a crush on Shane. Rafa gets under Shane’s skin easily. They make mistakes all the time, they slip with each other all the time. Slipping is so frequent, so calculated, and happy coincidences are so scheduled and convenient. It was all so forced and simple I couldn’t buy it. There is no real falling in love, no real inner conflicts, no real “resistance”. They slip and slip and slip. They are supposed to maintain a distance, but they slip and their real feelings are hopelessly out, with no option to hide them from each other.

The sexual tension is non-existent. Their relationship inspired me nothing. I was bored. I was struggling to keep reading, to finish the book.

I also had a few issues:

Rafa and his siblings had always just been Castillo, his father’s name. His parents had worked hard to make them into the whitest, most non-threatening Hispanics Republican money could buy while still courting the Latino vote with great success.

I wonder… why Rafael and not Raphael? Isn’t that a “whiter” name? More “Anglo-Saxon”? Maybe I just can’t stop thinking about Rafael Nadal everytime I read “Rafa”.

I don’t really understand Mexicans not being “white”, I’ve met/seen blond and/or “pale” Mexicans in real life and in TV. There is a lot of diversity there. Or are people from the USA all Caucasian? What about African Americans? Native Americans? Asian population?

“We’ve discussed this before. My parents left the old world behind to make a new life for us here in America.”

Last time I looked, Mexico was in America. It's just bizarre to me that this character, who was born in Mexico, speaks that way about these two countries in the same sentence. I have no idea if that's usual or just a way to emphasize that she is indeed “whiter” than the average Hispanic person. I'm just mentioning this fact because it was remarkable for me. Surely it means nothing and I'm just making pointless questions. Again.

And Mexico (year 1821?) is younger than USA (year 1776?). Old world? Which old world?

So, this book is definitely not for me.