
Maps - Nash Summers Cute!


Like any other young adult story? Maybe, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the laughs and the itching for pinching Maps' and Lane's cheeks.


For now this is the only word I can find. And funny, of course. Let's not forget that. I liked his nonchalant behavior towards Lane, for whom he cares nothing about. Not at all. Right?


Denial is one of the typical reactions, as we all know.

Lane is showed as not a very bright guy but I don't think that's fair, I think he was more than okay and he is free of prejudices and is clever enough to notice that a boy like Maps exists and that he is much better than other people he may find. He follows his heart and that is more than enough for me.


I don't want to make a fuss out of it but I didn't think Maps was a real genius. I never believed it. It's okay, though, because he inspires affection, so I won't make a mountain out of it.


Eager to read the second part!
