
Matelots - W.A. Hoffman P-E-R-F-E-C-T.


If you want to know more about the plot, this is my review of the first book: Brethren

I think I'm ruined for future readings. Yes, I have amazing series in my read shelf but just finishing this book I have doubts about finding something that measures up to it.

Raised by Wolves provides everything I need in a book: romance, passion, history, adventure, friendship, laughs, angst, philosophy... It's a complicate mixture that could explode in your face if not taken care for delicately but the author manages to give everything and not bore with anything.

These books are food for thought, they leave me thinking about the characters and the conversations and the metaphors. There is pain and suffering, there is madness and danger, and all of that pass on me. But there is also snark and spice and all the fun, which made me laugh at the most unexpected moments. There are secondary characters I love but without them stealing the show. There are surprises, good and bad ones, and there are deaths and reencounters. Nothing is taken for granted because nothing is guaranteed. This series is as misbegotten as the characters are, and as the facts are, and as the mind is. And I love it for all of that.

Gaston and Will are... the same but not the same. That paradox of a man being himself but different after some time. I have been with them for more than 1000 pages now and they are still interesting to me. In fact, they are still an enigma for me and I want to know more about them because I feel what I had is not enough. Not yet. Their relationship is settled but nothing is stable. It grows and changes and I recognize the same electricity but it's not the same energy now. It's much better and stronger and it makes me wonder for the future they will face and the problems they still have to sort out.

There is tenderness, and violence and obsession in them and someone could say that is not healthy for neither of them but there is no desire to live long, just to live together. They are trying to find a way to not to destroy each other and I crave to see how they achieve that.

I'll finish my review in some days, for now I only have the updates. I have never had updated that many times before.
