A Fostered Love

It didn’t work for me.

Firstly, there is TOO much sex. It’s pointless, only to sell more pages. They have sex anytime, even in serious moments. I was tired of reading about…


I don’t care about sex scenes, just the opposite. I love them when they’re worth it, but here they felt empty, pointless, useless. I didn’t feel the chemistry between the MC. I was even bored reading those scenes.

Too much sex, too little feelings. I found everything empty.
I didn’t like the way of describing Jonah. He’s suposed to be antisocial and weird but lovable but I found him very strained, forced. Christian is more natural but he didn’t save the book.
The language didn’t hook me. In fact, I wandered a lot. There were some flashbacks but they are confusing and I had to read those paragraphs several times because I couldn' tell they were parts from the past. I think that should have been a little more obvious, there was no “transition”.

I would say this is a meh book. But there was a scene in which I felt REALLY stupid. That scene ruined the book even more. It’s practically in the beginning, when they are laying on the floor after making the walls repairs and they fall asleep holding hands. Christian dreams about Jonah and the day he kissed him when the cops arrested him sixteen years before. Christian has a hard-on, so while dreaming, he opens his zip and masturbates himself with Jonah’s hand!

That is your way of breaking the ice? I think it’s stupid, childish and clumsy for a romance author. That excuse for making them closer and talk about the elephant in the room is just that, an excuse.

Also, there is cheap drama. Jonah was a kid living in a drug hell. His mother died, so his "father" took him to social services. He committed a crime, so he went into JD. A great soul taught them to repair cars and bikes and after he went out, that one soul employed him and when he retired, gave him the business. Jonah has only one wing tattooed because of that one selfless soul because he's not completely "free". Of course, we can guess he's going to have the other wing tattooed at the end of the book.

Christian's life is not that sad, lucky for me.
Furthermore, there plot is too predictable. There is an exboyfriend who is not happy to have the relationship ended, so he pursues Christian. With a pseudo-kidnapping and all of that included. That was the last straw.

I was very close to DNF the book but I guess I’m too stubborn.